
What to do in Nida?
TOP 10 places to visit

Your peaceful holiday in Nida

Are you still planning your holiday in Nida, or have you already arrived here and are currently considering what to do in Nida? Then this useful information and recommendations are just for you! Unique places to visit in Nida, enchanted by nature and views: from mystical sites with interesting stories to places where you can see the brightest sunsets. Discover and experience what this unique place in Lithuania has to offer. Nida awaits you with its beautiful natural landscapes and rich history!


What to do in Nida? Places to visit in Nida - map

Parnidis dune

Parnidis Dune is, first of all, special for its unique nature and geographical location: the 52-metre-high dune in Nida is the only place in Lithuania where you can watch both sunrise and sunset at the same place. The site is protected, part of the Curonian Spit National Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so you'll see rare plants that are unique to the area, and admire the ever-changing landscape shaped by sand and wind.

When holidaying in Nida, be sure to visit this dune and the viewing platform at the top of the dune, from which you will be able to see a wide panorama of the Nida area: the old lighthouse, the widest point of the Curonian Spit - Cape Bulvickis, the charming red-tiled houses of Nida, the Curonian Lagoon, and, if the weather is favourable, you can also see the peninsula of Cape Vente on the other side of the Curonian Lagoon.

Location: E. A. Jonušo g., Nida

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Parnidis Dunes sundial

Parnidis Dune is surrounded not only by unique nature, but also by unique astronomical heritage sites. We invite you to take a look at the sundial on the Parnidis Dune - will you be able to understand it? This granite clock, more than 13 metres high, tells the exact time: the hand indicating the time is a shadow that falls from the stele on white steps, with hours and half-hour recordings. The clock also counts the months and marks solstices and equinoxes. It is not only the different timekeeping that attracts attention here, but also the overall architectural presentation: if you look closely, you will realise that the geometry of the steps is reminiscent of the sandy layers of a wind-blown ancient kopje.

By the way, if you're interested in astronomical heritage, there's another sundial to see while on holiday in Nida. Nida Art Colony resident Haruka Yamada from Japan implemented a project in Nida "City sun" - She has painted a sundial on the wall of the building, and the shadow from the satellite dishes shows the sun's time to passers-by all year round. You can see this sundial on the south wall of the Taikos Street 4A building.

Location: E. A. Jonušo g., Nida

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The Vececrugo Cluster

Another place to visit in Nida that will surprise you with its view and the surrounding natural diversity is Vecekrugas Dune. Located between Preila and Nida, the dune is more than 67 metres high and is the highest dune in the Curonian Spit. In the past, a tavern stood at the foot of the dune, which is probably the reason for the name: the Curonian words 'vece' (old) and 'kruogs' (tavern) gave the dune its name, Vecekrugas. The place is fascinating because of its unique nature: at the top of the hill there is a small platform with a view of the sea, the lagoon, the panorama of Cape Bulvikis, the surrounding mountain pines, and the sound of the Baltic Sea. The area is easily accessible by bicycle, using the trails adapted for bicycles.

It is easily accessible by bicycle, using cycle paths. The trail is easy and leads through wooded areas of the Curonian Spit, with rest areas and rest stops along the trail. If you would like to cycle to Vecekrugs Dune, here you can find information on bike rental points in Neringa:

Bicycle rental information

Location: Nidos - Smiltynės pl., Neringa municipality

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Nida Lighthouse

Another attraction in Nida is one of the few remaining 19th century lighthouses in Lithuania that is still functioning. Built in 1874, this unique red and white striped structure has become an integral part of the Curonian Spit's landscape and an important maritime navigation point. The lighthouse, which is almost 30 metres high, can be seen from up to 40 kilometres away, and has a working sound signal to help you navigate in fog and bad weather conditions. If you buy a ticket, you can climb up the 132 steps to the lighthouse, where you can see a spectacular panorama of the Curonian Spit.

Ticket prices here

The nature surrounding the lighthouse is also worthy of attention: the Urbs Hill, on which the lighthouse stands, is one of the most beautiful places in Nida. The pine forests here create a sense of peace and harmony, while the top of the hill offers stunning views of the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. In the summer, events are held here and the traditional Midsummer procession descends from here. At the south-western foot of Mount Urbs, there is an educational trail where you can stop and discover activities for the whole family

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Location: Taikos g. 36A, Nida

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Viewing point "Italian View"

What to do in Nida for those looking for unique landscapes? Visit the lookout point that opens up from the writer Th. Mann's house porch, which he himself said: "these places are to be seen like Italy or Spain". This viewpoint is set on a hill, surrounded by pine forests overlooking the Curonian Lagoon - on sunny days you can even see the shores of the lagoon on the opposite side. No matter what time of year you decide to visit, each season reveals a unique natural beauty: in spring and summer, the plants are in bloom and the bright colours of the sunny season are on the horizon; in autumn, the colourful trees are visible; and in winter, the scenery is captivating with the ice-covered lagoon and white trees. 

The name of the place is no coincidence: at the end of the 19th century, German poets and artists visiting Nida could not help but admire the beauty of the place and compared their impressions with the Italian Riviera. It was then that the name "Italian View" was born - a place that evokes inspiration and has led artists and writers to come to Nida in search of it. You can come here to watch the sunrise, for a relaxing afternoon or a pleasant walk in nature - it's easy to get to, with well-maintained, walkable trails all around.

When you arrive, you can also visit the museum in the house of the writer Thomas Mann, where you can learn not only about the life of the writer, but also about life in the Curonian Spit in general, and have the opportunity to look at photographs and a documentary film.

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Location: Skruzdynės g. 17, Nida

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Valley of Silence

What to do in Nida? While visiting Neringa, don't forget to visit the Valley of Silence, stop and "listen to the silence speak in the Valley of Silence". This valley reveals the diversity of Nida's nature: dry, sandy meadows, water flowing from the dunes at the intersection of the valley and the dunes, and a rich variety of plants and insects. On the shore of the lagoon, you will find the five-metre-high Neringa Chair, which recalls the legend of the giant Neringa, who built the sand spit to protect local fishing boats from storms. And the inscription on it says: "Sit down, passenger, in the chair of the giantess Neringa and listen to the silence in the Valley of Silence" - take the hint and pause to hear that even the pine trees around the Valley of Silence are quieter.

Location: Naglių g., Nida

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Open-air museum: the Nida weathervane exposition

A holiday in Nida is not complete without a pleasant stroll along the lagoon shoreline - as you walk, turn your attention to the colourful weathervanes of Nida - the exhibition, which was launched in 2003, currently consists of 82 weathervanes!

How did Neringa get its colourful weathervanes? In the 19th century, as many as 133 villages were located around the Curonian Lagoon, and in order to control the fishing activities of all of them, the inspector Wilhelm Berbom introduced modest distinguishing marks - rectangular shapes painted on a tin plate, which fishermen had to display on the mast of their boat. This is where the fishermen's artistic expression began: fishermen who spent a lot of time in the lagoon began to decorate the tin plates with their daily life or dreams, using shards of glass or metal rods for the printing, which became a vivid, artistic symbol of Neringa.

Explore the traditions of Neringa with this colourful collection of weathervanes - can you decipher what they represent?

Location: Curonian Lagoon quay

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Mystical place of Nida - Death Valley

"Spectacular nature", "exceptional tranquillity" - this is how the valley between the Parnidis and Sklandytojų dunes in Nida is often described, where mysterious legends, history and the extraordinary beauty of the Curonian Spit merge. Although the name of the place is loud and frightening, it is in fact a valley of exceptional tranquillity and unique views that you will not see anywhere else in Lithuania: grey dunes, specific vegetation that is unique to this place - views that remind you of deserts. We recommend coming here in the evening: as the sun sets, you will see a whole palette of different shades of nature.

The place was named "Death Valley" for a reason: a French prisoner-of-war camp was set up in the area in 1870-1872, and the prisoners were buried in the camp cemetery, hence its name. A stone bench facing the 'Valley of Death', with a pigeon squatting next to it, is placed on the Parnidis dune as a symbol of remembrance of the French prisoners of war.

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Dead Dunes

Nida's calling card is the unique dunes, which are unique to this part of Lithuania. The highest, the longest, the white and the grey ones... you will see them all in Nida. One of the most spectacular places to see them is the Nagliai Nature Reserve. Here you'll find the Great Dome, which offers a spectacular panorama of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. A 1.1 km educational trail in the reserve takes about an hour to get to the beautiful landscape of the Grey Dunes, so called because of the grey colour of the vegetation. These large sandy hills with ravines and hollows, shaken by strong winds, are the longest dunes in Lithuania and preserve one of the Curonian Spit's saddest village histories: between 1675 and 1854, as many as four villages of Nagliai were buried here, and even now they still lie deep under the sand, which is why these dunes are still known as the Dead Dunes.

You can visit, walk and observe the differences between the dunes by following the hiking route. You will see all the dunes described above: the Parnidis Dune, the Vecekrugs Dune, the Dead Dunes and others.

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Nida Church

While sightseeing in Nida, don't forget to visit the Church of the Holy Cross in the centre of Nida. The Church of the Christian Aid of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Built on a decaying dune, the church is fascinating and eye-catching because of how well it fits in and reflects the spirit of the seaside: clad in dark oak, covered with a reed roof and with an openwork cross visible from all sides of Nida, above the glazed tower. Inside, you'll feel the church's distinctive spirit: spaciousness, large glass windows and an amphitheatre in the churchyard, where events take place.

The church was designed by Nida architects Ričardas Krištapavičius and Algimantas Zaviša.

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Location: Taikos g. 17, Nida

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Lithuanian Hollywood: Nida's Walk of Stars

Everyone knows the famous music festival "Benai, let's sail to Nida!" - concerts, which delighted Lithuanian artists with their performances in the harbour of Nida. To commemorate the contribution of those who contributed to this festival every year, the Walk of Fame was opened in Nida in 1998, where tiles with the palm prints of Lithuanian music legends - Vytautas Kernagis, Andrius Mamontovas, Marijonas Mikutavičius, Virgis Stakėnas, Monika Liu and others - were carved. The hundred-metre-long path is located at the festival's origin - next to the Nida Harbour. Walking along this trail is a kind of journey through nostalgic memories. The Walk of Stars is also a frequent venue for cultural events, concerts and art exhibitions.

Location: Taikos g. 2, Nida

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